About Us

Welcome to Mars Estates Elementary

"Together We Can..."

Mars Estates Elementary is a learning community dedicated to meeting the needs of each learner within its walls. Staff takes seriously their commitment to educating the whole child and accepting no excuses in terms of student performance. Going the extra mile is the norm, not the exception.


Mars Estates Elementary School will create a culture of deliberate excellence in our school and community by developing 21st century lifelong learners who possess skills that are necessary to be productive global citizens.


Mars Estates Elementary School will provide for every student the highest quality, 21st century education in a safe, secure, and positive environment conducive to high levels of teaching, learning, and student engagement, resulting in globally competitive students prepared for their chosen college and/or career path.


  • Learning is our core purpose.
  • Effective instruction and high expectations are essential to student learning.
  • Mars Estates Elementary School is committed to doing whatever it takes to ensure that every student learns and succeeds.
  • Positive and productive relationships among all members of the Mars Estates community are built through meaningful communication and engagement.
  • Students, parents, community members and staff are partners in creating, sustaining, and investing in a culture of deliberate excellence and are vital to our success.

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Recent News


 Tuesday, February 4th is Class Picture Day!


February is Black History Month! Wear red, yellow, green, and/or black every Friday during February to celebrate.
Black History Month


Tuesday, February 25th is our Black History Month LAMP Night! 5:30-7:30